Viaticum (Audio CD)

Customer Review

Unfortunately, it is only used to buy, the SACD. About the music is written enough, the album is very good, is for me the best of est.
Absolutely but the SACD of CD version is preferable. The far more nuanced picture of the instruments and the finer resolution found a much better, an absolutely superb tonality - The music becomes an experience.
Strong and powerful instruments at the same time a lot of subtle and clear to hear, with nuances that are not to be heard from the CD. Does that sound like piano on the CD comparatively hard and one-dimensional, it is very real to the SACD: attack, timbre and ending the strings are heard, any hardness has disappeared. Likewise, in synth sounds, drums and bass, musicians and instruments come to life, powerful and expressive. The music evolves in space, the individual instruments sound perfect together.
About the SACD opens up the interplay between the musicians, their instruments, as it does not come on the CD expressed.

Proper razor Rank: 3/5
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happy together Rank: 3/5
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worth its price and no more Rank: 2/5
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satisfied 1363 Rank: 4/5
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