The rescue of Indie Rocks: The New Sound of London

The rescue of Indie Rocks: The New Sound of London

Django Django (Audio CD)

Customer Review

The album of Django Django is one of the most promising of these days and perhaps what has taken the indie scene for a long time and hereby brings in 2012 finally something new rolling.
After a feeling of stagnation in the indie rock music, the numerous revivals of revivals, retro rock, post-post-punk, after the successful retro phase in the early 2000s with the Strokes, Franz Ferdinand and so came only large copy-wave, still deflects and the music journalists increasingly bored.
Django Django's debut album closes the boredom, because more complex and diversified, an album hardly be. The musicians, who met at the School of Art in Edinburgh and now in London resident, making psychedelic art pop, mixing quotes from music spanning three decades and yet develop this new hyper-dynamic sound, the breath of fresh air in the London scene brings. Danceable beats with surprising breaks, surfing and Western guitar runs as from Western movie soundtracks, a lot of atmospheric and electronic gadgets make the new Sound of London! Especially the intro of the impressive and rapid Tracks "WOR" borrows from Western movie soundtracks, 'default' is a fresh and catchy Hail Bob the psychedelic highlight of the album.