Literary Uppercut

Literary Uppercut

The truth and nothing else (Paperback)

Customer Review

Probably the best known boxer and most emblematic of recent years, Mike Tyson will have all known. Brooklyn ghettos (and its unenviable status as a battered child) to the daily life of a world star, his career has been chaotic. Between excesses of all kinds (drugs, violence, ego-trip ...) and Minutes sensational, it is primarily the career of an extraordinary boxer (youngest world heavyweight champion in history) that is remember.

In this beautiful autobiography to read, Tyson is human, not hiding his share of vulnerability, but above all gives us excellent lessons learned to live his life in the best of ways, despite temptations, is explained his character, his motivations and aspirations. Easy to read, devoured the book in one sitting.

For boxing fans as much as for those curious atypical life course, this is a highly recommended book.