Family History 2

Family History 2

The floating bridge of dreams (Paperback)

Customer Review

Good little romance than Tanizaki which takes its title from a poem once said of the Gengi and the title of the Hero intimate diary. In this short story, we find a family in which the relationships are not simple. The mother dies early, but it is replaced by a stepmother who knows admirably slip into the role of the absent character. The father also disappears and the woman bequeathed to his son, with the task of protecting it. All other characters are sacrificed to this triangular and carnal relationship is never going to incest.

It is also a reflection on women and their role in Japanese society, its relationship to motherhood. The author's talent also lies in consummate art of description. This hermitage herons built by the grandfather of the narrator, we seem to know him intimately, share the cool water of the fountain, to hear the crack of reed mechanism to feed the body of water ...

Tanikazi letters is a connoisseur and customs of Japan which it also introduces us throughout these pages.

In short, it is a beautiful little romance for lovers of Japanese letters and a good introduction to the work of the author.