- Blackmoore - Julianne Donaldson - Books


  • Still a big favorite for the author!  

    Blackmoore (Hardcover)
    Earlier dannée, javais had a huge heart for Edenbrooke Julianne Donaldson. A novel that mavait delighted from beginning to end. Threw so eager to read her second novel that Blackmoore, * Joy *, just published by Editions Milady. And something I thoug
  • In line with Edenbrooke  

    Blackmoore (Hardcover)
    I had a huge heart for "Edenbrooke", the first novel by Julianne Donaldson. I looked forward to his second novel came out and it's done. I loved it. As Edenbrooke, I literally devoured (purchased Saturday and ended today, Tuesday). Less than gig