Edge of Tomorrow: Lee Asquith-Coe Tom Cruise Brendan Gleeson Charlotte Riley Franz Drameh Emily Blunt Bill Paxton Jonas Armstrong Doug Liman


  • TOP SciFi mix of known templates  

    Edge of Tomorrow (Blu-ray)
    Without expectations we went to this film and were very pleasantly surprised. The story evokes strong "Groundhog Day" mixed with action and horror elements a la "Final Destination" and "Starship Troopers" and everything happe
  • knallbummpeng in grellbunt and saugut!  

    Edge of Tomorrow (Blu-ray)
    This movie is a blast, this movie is fun, this film is a grab bag with funky surprises. Must see! Ok, the giant logic gaps fall later than the second time to see (why come Cruise & Blunt only plan, a day earlier to start the salvation of mankind, as