- Gipsy Blues - Jean Vautrin - Books


  • Gypsy Route  

    Gipsy Blues (Paperback)
    It was necessary that I let a few pages before you get used to the style of Vautrin, the slang that we forget more and more in our modern language. He also took time to attach myself to the character and history. However, once launched, the novel wor
  • dear tolerance ...  

    Gipsy Blues (Paperback)
    down here on Earth, man cultivates the difference and intolerance accurately! to the chagrin of those who are different from the general population and history has brought us proof more than once that this "difference" can be difficult to live f
  • A vibrant emotion romance  

    Gipsy Blues (Paperback)
    I was attracted by the story we proposed Jean Vautrin. Attracted by the contrast between the need for freedom and the constraints of society, between instinct and education. Runkele Cornelius was born Gypsy. He was raised by his grandfather, a violin
  • Journey to the foot of a rainbow sky  

    Gipsy Blues (Paperback)
    Roma, Gypsies, Travellers, Gypsies ... what do we know of those municipalities within the law of the Republic invited to park their camps near the city landfill where behind the treatment plant? Jean Vautrin offers us, in a novel read in one sitting,
  • In unpretentious village, I bad reputation  

    Gipsy Blues (Paperback)
    "In town without pretension, I bad reputation, I am struggling or that I remain silent, I pass for a je ne sais quoi " Gipsy Blues is fictional and free newspaper Runkele Cornelius, a young gypsy twenty years that could, unpretentious, be one wi