Goody 2 Shoes & The Filthy Beast



    Goody 2 Shoes & The Filthy Beast (Audio CD)
    I thought the last speaker exaggerates the CD have ordered anyway, a madness. The sound an impertinence, I want to record stores again with sound, great time !!!!! Live certainly unbelievable, but the CD inaudible .....
  • Very good CD! Finally, a new CD of "Mothers Finest"!  

    Goody 2 Shoes & The Filthy Beast (Audio CD)
    I was recently at the concert of "Mothers Finest" and have just bought the latest CD. The songs come across well and the voice of Joyce's wonderful. The group blends very well and you can feel in the concert!
  • Not bad, but not very exciting  

    Goody 2 Shoes & The Filthy Beast (Audio CD)
    Mothers Finest have no need of security, anyone what to prove. As one of the first bands that combined funk grooves and hard rock riffs, they can claim to have influenced today's music scene crucial - without MF no Prince, no Kid Rock, no Living Colo
  • Bootleg or what?  

    Goody 2 Shoes & The Filthy Beast (Audio CD)
    Unfortunately I have to connect my speakers: successful, MF typical songwriting, live determines a real blast as always. But the production of this highly anticipated album is so underground that I have no words. This quality provide amateur musician
  • Underground production! Low Fi - Trash Sound!  

    Goody 2 Shoes & The Filthy Beast (Audio CD)
    The sound of this new album Mothers Finest is probably the most horrible thing that ever rang through my boxes - so who always just think about it, to invest his hard earned money in this album, which should know! As far as I can tell after the first