Gourmet Perle - The Filettines with Vegetables - 12 x 85g


  • Gourmet Perle  

    Gourmet Perle - The Filettines with Vegetables - 12 x 85 g (Miscellaneous)
    As stated so well no it's a pearl menu. Varied menu for my cats. They love. Excellent quality - price. I recommend this product for those who love their cats. My cat loves it and loves is 25 and hardly eats it

    Gourmet Perle - The Filettines with Vegetables - 12 x 85 g (Miscellaneous)
    My pussy is really very difficult. She just finished the box and she loved it, despite some vegetables. Would recommend, only downside bags are just 85g, so just a little for an adult and greedy cat. Good buy.

    Gourmet Perle - The Filettines with Vegetables - 12 x 85 g (Miscellaneous)
    My cat like but I alternate it with other small filletines bags. 80GR is a lot for one meal and 40 g not enough ... I give 50g per meal depusi very small!
  • My cat loves this range of Gourmet  

    Gourmet Perle - The Filettines with Vegetables - 12 x 85 g (Miscellaneous)
    My cat prefers this range of Gourmet that other high-quality brand. I do not know why. (It's pretty hard my cat)
  • greedy 3  

    Gourmet Perle - The Filettines with Vegetables - 12 x 85 g (Miscellaneous)
    my cat loves to 5 years, the festival has each opening bags, a delight and a treat for her louse me to see her so happy and to feast
  • Favorites of my cat  

    Gourmet Perle - The Filettines with Vegetables - 12 x 85 g (Miscellaneous)
    The pros: individual pouch packaging so easy dosing (1 sachet = 1 daily bowl) and the content fresh. Practice also takeaway at the weekend. Regarding taste, this brand is the favorite of my cat that is hard also. Finally, great price on Amazon when c
  • Great product except the price  

    Gourmet Perle - The Filettines with Vegetables - 12 x 85 g (Miscellaneous)
    The product itself is fine except that the price has increased from 5-6 to 8-9 euros euros for no apparent reason, what is all this sudden inflation?
  • My cats are loved!  

    Gourmet Perle - The Filettines with Vegetables - 12 x 85 g (Miscellaneous)
    So too, the solid pieces are small enough and therefore it seems better "pass". I only regret that these products end up quite expensive in the long run.