Messiaen: Turangalîla-Symphonie: Olivier Messiaen Myung-Whun Chung


  • the supreme reference  

    Messiaen: Turangalîla Symphony (CD)
    Rather than making a long gloss on this recording include the words of the composer about it (extracts of blurb): "The magnificent version of Turangalila-Symphonie come to realize that MWChung, both soloists and Jeanne Yvonne Loriod and the orchestra
  • The definitive version of the Turangalila  

    Messiaen: Turangalîla Symphony (CD)
    Chung reading is surprisingly compelling insurance, rigor, if not its severity. The polyrhythmic games are presented in all clarity, and we can follow the most complex passages like an open book. This symphony has rarely known more readable interpret
  • a monument 5  

    Messiaen: Turangalîla Symphony (CD)
    The Turangalila Messiaen is a work extraordinary, both by nonconformist form of the symphony but also a gigantic orchestra plus a piano and ondes Martenot and brilliant performers. For the chef, we know that Myung Wung Chung is an ace to direct Messi