- Mice and Men - John Steinbeck Joseph Kessel Maurice-Edgar Coindreau - Books


  • Tragedy of little people  

    Of Mice and Men (Paperback)
    I leave at once. My first Steinbeck. Taking but not stunning. A history of wandering men work farm work. Some toddlers destinies, vacuum and vacuum above a dream that floats and keeps alive ... or survival. An ultimate absurdity species actually. And
  • Men's hearts  

    Of Mice and Men (Paperback)
    The magnificent title condenses an already short novel, going to the point. Mice are those loves petting Lennie, simple-minded and force of nature who regularly shoves in more or less serious embarrassment which fortunately hit his friend Georges. In
  • Almost new  

    Of Mice and Men (Paperback)
    Hard to give an opinion without spoiler history, one is indeed more in the long run the new novel. it reads very quickly and it is rather short. Roughly one follows the adventure of a short duo Laurel and Hardy to the seasonal California in the twent
  • A beautiful story of friendship  

    Of Mice and Men (Paperback)
    "Guys like us, there is no longer alone in the world. They have no family. They go to a ranch, they make some money, and then they go into town and spend all they ... They no future ahead of them. For us it is not like that. We, we have a future. We
  • Lennie Small, tender heart and hands of steel  

    Of Mice and Men (Paperback)
    As with the Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck plunges us into the depths of the American Dream lentre-war, with its marginal and fates faded by the Great Depression. California, symbol of the dream, is not exactly the promised land for those characters who
  • a classic reading  

    Of Mice and Men (Paperback)
    This book is very short, but it is touching, showing once again that quality is more important than quantity. These 175 pages are made of friendship, hope, dreams but also reality and choices. In this book the author depicts life in the ranches of Ca
  • Beautiful and very precious literary gem  

    Of Mice and Men (Paperback)
    Joseph Kessel in the preface of the novel written by John Steinbeck in 1937 with a few simple words transcribed the depth of emotion felt by the reader: "This book is brief. But his power is long. This book is written with harsh and often rudeness. B
  • David and Goliath  

    Of Mice and Men (Paperback)
    George and Lennie travel the roads of the American West by working ranch ranching. George is small and full of common sense. Lennie is a force of nature but mentally retarded. They dream of one day owning their farm where they could have cows, chicke
  • Roman powerful, flawless. A must read!  

    Of Mice and Men (Paperback)
    George and Lennie are laborers, they go from ranch ranch to work. They always move together, not leaving forever what is singular in that kind of work in which men are known to be rather large solitary. Lennie is a force of nature but it is a simple-
  • emotion sentence 1 flower  

    Of Mice and Men (Paperback)
    California, 30s The Great Depression raged. George and Lennie, two friends, two laborers, ranch ranching scrape by doing odd jobs they are offered. Their dream? One day have their piece of land to them! Oh, not much, just a patch, a farmhouse, enough