- Overcoming destructive emotions - Thich Nhat Hanh Daniel GOLEMAN Fabrice MIDAL Matthieu Ricard Anatole MUCHNIK - Books


  • A great work of self-reflection and the world  

    Overcome destructive emotions (Paperback)
    I found this really good book because it combines several thinkers and explains with great clarity that are destructive emotions and how to counter it. Philosophers, spiritual leaders including the Dalai Lama, scientific psychologists of a high level
  • A scientist side of me too  

    Overcome destructive emotions (Paperback)
    It concerns only me, but the view of the title I expected something based only on Buddhism. Obviously this is the case but the issues raised are also made in connection with science and especially cognition and brain development. As I am quite reluct
  • The alliance of bouddhime and science in the service of humanity  

    Overcome destructive emotions (Paperback)
    The Dalai Lama is working with a group of scientists to better understand how destructive emotions and how to find parades. Medical imaging helps to understand how the areas of the brain are activated during meditation. The challenge of the research
  • very informative 39  

    Overcome destructive emotions (Paperback)
    Even that is not particularly interested in Buddhism, this book is indispensable for the latest discoveries on the functioning of homo sapiens. Very scientific and accessible, this book is very rational and not at all esoteric or religious making it
  • the benefits of meditation  

    Overcome destructive emotions (Paperback)
    it is a comparative study of the latest discoveries of neuroscience and the steps performed on the brains of meditators great yogis and lamas style, with the participation of the Dalai Lama and Daniel Golememan. we discover or rediscover the benefits