- Prayers - The Complete - Samantha Bailly - Books


  • An essential of the French fantasy.  

    Orations - The Complete (Paperback)
    Prayers! A word that resonates in my ears, like the bells ringing the bell. A word that settles in my mind the thought like Bossuet, the author she wanted an apology for death? The originality of this novel is the frame that combines both fantasy and
  • favorite! 24  

    Orations - The Complete (Paperback)
    She is young, "it is true, but to noble souls, the value does not expect the number of years." Borrowed from the Dom Rodrigo Cid, this quote seems perfectly suited to this author. When we know it began writing this novel during his senior year,
  • A perfectly controlled world!  

    Orations - The Complete (Paperback)
    [...] This book, I've had the book fair in Paris 2013. So a little over a year. I must admit that when I saw the display cover, I completely flashed on. It is simple, elegant and exudes something dintrigant. And the artifact makes sense when playing.
  • Awesome 7128 6700  

    Orations - The Complete (Paperback)
    I waited so long to have this book when I got my hands, I do not always arrived ay believe! I only read the synopsis for now because I am reading another book already but I will do everything to quickly read. I recommend it to everyone!