Q & A: Slumdog Millionaire


  • education and fun  

    Q & A: Slumdog Millionaire (Paperback)
    I actually read Slumdog Millionaire for the first time 2 years ago but now I re-read it as I wanted to check if I could read it with my students (aged 16). I enjoyed reading it, as it is quite witty and gives a true insight into the lives of the peop
  • 'Is an existence without desire very Desirable?'  

    Q & A: Slumdog Millionaire (Paperback)
    'Is an existence without desire very Desirable?' This and other questions are answered in the novel 'Slumdog Millionaire', Previously published as 'Q & A', written by Vikas Swarup in 2005. It is about an orphan boy called Ram Mohammad Thomas, who can
  • exciting story with an interesting background  

    Q & A: Slumdog Millionaire (Paperback)
    recommended book with exciting action. Particularly interesting are the descriptions of the country, people, living conditions in India. Good is also the (außergewönliche) Composition of the operation: to constantly change between past / memory and t