Raven Cycle 01. The Raven Boys


  • A Book That is hard to like but even harder not to like ...  

    Raven Cycle 01. The Raven Boys (Paperback)
    I will not lie, I did not enjoy The Raven Boys. It was really hard for me to get into the story and even harder to like the characters. I was so close to abandon the book but made myself read at least half of it. Strangely enough around Page 200 I co
  • It saves luckily itself  

    Raven Cycle 01. The Raven Boys (Paperback)
    Content: The earth is moved by energy in the form of lines. And there is a king of a lie, if you can find him and wakes, fulfilled a wish. Gansey and his friends have set a goal to be found this king and thanks to Blues means they seem to be taken an