REINERSCT tanJack optic SR. The TAN generator ROT


  • Works much better than the Kobil device my bank  

    REINERSCT tanJack optic SR. The TAN generator ROT (Accessories)
    Have some years the Kobil device used that my VR Bank then change when the TAN procedure has supplied (for free). The problem with free Kobil was but after about a year, a strip in the middle of the display. There were simply no more pixels displayed
  • beautiful compact - does what it is supposed  

    REINERSCT tanJack optic SR. The TAN generator ROT (Accessories)
    I bought the device because the old TAN generator Sparkasse stopped working (KOBIL TAN Generator TAN Optimus Comfort). In comparison to the old device, this is also significantly better, the optical detection is much faster and more reliable. In the
  • permanent read error, unbearable waiting  

    REINERSCT tanJack optic SR. The TAN generator ROT (Accessories)
    I use the device now for about a year and have sought advice in various banking forums. Regardless but - In what angle I hold the device to the screen - How hard I try, the flicker windows size set with millimeter accuracy, - Which I choose Flickerge