Rice Hunger Red Rice Bio wholemeal Camargue France Camargue


  • Red Rice  

    Rice Hunger Red rice, organic wholemeal Camargue, France, Camargue (Misc.)
    As we drove through the Camargue in the last year, we were surprised to see rice fields. We thought that there was only in Asia. Curiously we bought on the way this rice. But he was not white, but red! It tastes incredibly intense. To make the food c
  • Round taste!  

    Rice Hunger Red rice, organic wholemeal Camargue, France, Camargue (Misc.)
    The rice tastes slightly nutty and slightly earthy. When cooking it remains very loose and not stick together. I think it's great is that the rice organic and is therefore less stressed. A star deduction there because me the taste has not quite convi

    Rice Hunger Red rice, organic wholemeal Camargue, France, Camargue (Misc.)
    What should I just say I Buy stand on it geiler key and the other varieties also sometimes try I am RICE HUNGER FAN
  • Rice Hunger Red Rice, Carmague (Bio), France  

    Rice Hunger Red rice, organic wholemeal Camargue, France, Camargue (Misc.)
    Does anyone know the saying, "is not the brown rice, he is in the garbage cut" of Bart Simpson? This statement is a special reason. It's all about nutrients, vitamins and trace elements contained in the increased shell of the rice grain, which i