Rocksmith 2014 (without cable) - [PlayStation 3]


  • The quickest way to learn guitar  

    Rocksmith 2014 (without cable) - [PlayStation 3] (Video Game)
    First a brief summary, since I'm the one in the possession of both parties and the 2014 Edition for two weeks relatively intensive games and Andren since the review has failed for more than originally intended: Who has spent much time with the first
  • Let's get down and get some action!  

    Rocksmith 2014 (without cable) - [PlayStation 3] (Video Game)
    Rocksmith 2014 ROCKS! The volume of feedback received at Ubisoft have proved effective. The old Rocksmith has made many things right - in some places there were programmatic Schnitzer, the arg gloomier motivation and fun. Above all, there have long l