- Scritch scratch dip laps! - Kitty Crowther - Books


  • My twins aged 2 and a half loved ...  

    Scritch scratch dip laps! (Album)
    My twins aged 2 and a half loved this story; they ask me to read and reread and sometimes they repeat themselves "scritch scratch dip laps!" This is a good way to make children understand that the night noises often come from nature simply; by s
  • Perfect for small console who fear the night  

    Scritch scratch dip laps! (Paperback)
    this book is fabulous. It addresses the topic of night noises that are so afraid our grandchildren. No question of talking watches. The moral is that yes, it's true we hear noises at night. they undoubtedly an origin and an explanation. I recommend t
  • Funny noise ...  

    Scritch scratch dip laps! (Paperback)
    The theme here is the fear of monsters, black, night, its sounds. Kitty C. says she keeps a very strong link with childhood (he was willingly believe). She found herself hearing problems, hence its difficulty to locate and identify sounds and noises,
  • fear of the dark?  

    Scritch scratch dip laps! (Paperback)
    We must believe his children when you say that there are strange noises under their bed A dad (Frog) tired of trying to make his son sleeping in bed (he quickly leaves) and then in the conjugual bed, will also be experienced when one evening, tired o