The DC Comics Encyclopedia


  • WOW, just WOW  

    The DC Comics Encyclopedia (Hardcover)
    Because we are large DC fans, I have given away this Ezyklopädie for Christmas. What can I say, a dream for any DC fan. There we really introduced almost every small DC crook. The large DC-star anyway. We're not talking about an A5 book, which is a v
  • Clear and richly illustrated  

    The DC Comics Encyclopedia (Hardcover)
    A detailed encyclopedia of the DC Comics universe. Rich and colorful illustrated leads this book through the various characters. Each character is depicted and is provided with a fact sheet (First Appearance, Status, Real Name, Occupation, Base, Heig
  • Very useful - especially for newcomers  

    The DC Comics Encyclopedia (Hardcover)
    I have the DC Comics Encyclopedia worried me, because I have only started about a year ago, to read comics and I have the whole tangled involvements in different worlds, dead and resurrected characters and the sheer huge flood of heroes and villains
  • Many heroes for little money  

    The DC Comics Encyclopedia (Hardcover)
    The present here Encyclopedia I discovered by accident, when I looked around to Batman articles. As a longtime fan of the bat man I've always rather had an affinity for DC, Marvel has been irritated me rather less, even if the Avengers movie has alre
  • A great glossary  

    The DC Comics Encyclopedia (Hardcover)
    A must have for fans of the lexicon DC universe is this book. Here they are listed ale whether much or little light, Batman, Superman, Joker Lex Luthor to name Great, but who knows the little ones, as Sparx, Gypy or Bulletman? Also they are in here,