- The girl who did not believe in miracles - Wendy Wunder Raphaële Eschenbrenner - Books


  • An unsympathetic heroine  

    The girl who did not believe in miracles (Paperback)
    With beautiful cover and an intriguing summary, jattendais much of this book that my disappointment. I have not felt the serious subject dealt with this story, too lauteure remaining surface. The characters are not extensive and I have not at all hoo
  • A Place Nearby  

    The girl who did not believe in miracles (Paperback)
    The cover had me in the eye as soon as the Black Moon editions had revealed. I knew that the girl who did not believe in miracles would end in my PAL, he needed! Diagnosed with cancer, Campbell knows she will die soon. The disease spreads, there is n
  • "Preserving Hope made no sense."  

    The girl who did not believe in miracles (Paperback)
    Cam is suffering from terminal cancer, he still has a few months to live, and that's Promise, a small town in Maine, known for performing miracles, his mother and his sister chose to settle for spend the time it takes. But Cam is a sarcastic teenager