- The Saga of Seven Suns Volume 3: Storms on the horizon - Kevin J. Anderson - Books


  • 1 good book 1  

    The Saga of Seven Suns, Volume 3: Storms on the horizon (Paperback)
    I was amazed by the book the subject is good for any fan of fantasy saga and it changed me most of Perry Rhodan. pity that the last two volumes are so expensive, possessor of a tablet I had to resort to the Kindel library in order to know the end!
  • And three  

    The Saga of Seven Suns, Volume 3: Storms on the horizon (Paperback)
    The only question that comes to the end of the reading of this third volume is: but where is the fourth. We take a slow train in the intrigue of construction, new races make their appearances. The ending offers some interesting and somewhat unexpecte
  • The temperature rises slowly  

    The Saga of Seven Suns, Volume 3: Storms on the horizon (Paperback)
    We find ourselves here after a stellar forest. Jora'h quickly discovers that the function of mighty Mage Imperator has many constraints and disagreements that are emerging will not facilitate its work. Humans go on an adventure on new planets Kliliss
  • The pace of decline continues  

    The Saga of Seven Suns, Volume 3: Storms on the horizon (Paperback)
    Third volume of the saga after the empire hidden and A Star Forest. As for the second album, we have the right to a fifteen-page summary of previous episodes. Where had we left our hero? Théroc was attacked by hydrogues and saved from lannihilation b