The Search: How Google and Its Rivals rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture


  • Good Introduction to Search Engine Technology and Potential  

    The Search: How Google and Its Rivals rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Hardcover)
    You probably use search engines to find information. If you already understand how one search engine Varies from the next, this book will be much too simple and limited for you. Avoid the book. If, HOWEVER, You Choose Which search engine based on how
  • Why Google rules  

    The Search: How Google and Its Rivals rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Hardcover)
    The idea of ​​making billions of dollars on a business based on searching online indexes is inconceivable, except When you consider how the Internet has changed the business world. This concept is so vague That it is difficult even to consider, let a
  • From the perfect search  

    The Search: How Google and Its Rivals rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Hardcover)
    An equally profound as readable history of online search and its revenue models tells the search engine expert John Battelle. It is fascinating to lead once again in mind, * That of the Altavistas and Excites the early Internet days quasi only Yahoo