- Wang Volume 1: The Gates of the West - Peter Curling - Books


  • Curling, this great storyteller ...  

    Wang, Volume 1: The Gates of the West (Paperback)
    ... Coupled with a great architect of the universe! Indeed, Peter Curling combines an innate sense of storytelling (rich stories and shares details with complex and believable characters evolving in addictive environments) to a wild imagination he br
  • The two volumes of Wang is my first Planking ...  

    Wang, Volume 1: The Gates of the West (Paperback)
    It is a reading that had fascinated me at first reading, because I had reached the fortress syndrome (smiles). The author whose talent for style is not to demonstrate, was pleased to imagine a Europe closed, folded on itself, besieged by poverty and
  • Wang, the fight of a lifetime.  

    Wang, Volume 1: The Gates of the West (Paperback)
    The best book of Curling, in my opinion. A wang extremely endearing. His career, his time in the West, its "use" as a soldier for uchronic games that are gigantic battles between "soldiers" (men who have passed the REM in search of a b
  • With Curling, one is never disappointed.  

    Wang, Volume 1: The Gates of the West (Paperback)
    A post-apocalyptic world very believable in every detail, mercilessly, unvarnished. An endearing main character, which overcomes its weaknesses through a philosophy of life and inner strength that is often found in the works of Curling. The miracle s
  • SF essential book!  

    Wang, Volume 1: The Gates of the West (Paperback)
    SF essential book! Beautiful writing, sometimes raw, which allows you to fully immerse in the universe created by Pierre Planking. Endearing characters, everything separates between the East and the West ... We are here on earth, and humanity is divi
  • Tomorrow, it sucks!  

    Wang, Volume 1: The Gates of the West (Paperback)
    This amazing story is set in the early twenty-third century; REM, magnetic curtain divides the world into two parts, a West with its logical extreme and the rest of the world fell into turmoil after a hellish Russian-Chinese war and division between
  • Is our future there?  

    Wang, Volume 1: The Gates of the West (Paperback)
    A novel that fascinated me. The only slight weakness may be the main plot that can be guessed quite quickly but everything else is exciting, whether the universe extremely original, which represents a future that could be ours, or turn characters to