- What binds us - Samantha Bailly - Books


  • Very addictive! 8  

    What binds us (Paperback)
    [...] It's true that when I saw the book cover I immediately wanted to know more. Being a romance (so say I am not very fond), the son around the girl had me intrigued on. When I read the summary, I knew it would be a romance, certainly, but differen
  • Mixed reading assessment ...  

    What binds us (Paperback)
    I enjoyed that "What binds us" is, ultimately, not a love story but rather a quest for identity. Early in the story, despite his 24 years old, Alice is a wounded woman who made revenge a lifestyle. It goes without saying that it does not make ve
  • A wonderful novel by a talented author!  

    What binds us (Paperback)
    What binds us was a real surprise for me! the theme is original, it's very well written, it is delicate and full of humanity. A novel that traces perfectly human relationships with a slight touch of fantasy. I can bring it in Musso or Levy but I real