Physical Graffiti (CD)

Customer Review

Barely recovered cosmic ray bursts a "House of the Holy" party explore the musical multiverse unhindered, we pick up this "Physical Graffiti" full pear. Immediately, the ad is clear: back to (hard) rock, reintegration of the sphere Gibson screaming, Plant hoarse, rhythmic concrete. Enjoyable! The group who could not bring himself to throw (good) materials, he preferred to offer a double album: 15 tracks spread over 4 faces.

Outset you attack with 2 cannon balls, that challenge your record straight: Led Zep he knows even the big swing after considerable musical enlargement of "House of the Holy"? The answer is leveled at you in duplicate in the form of a "Custard Pie" safe, guts, raspy, surprisingly, that tears! The highlight is definitely down with "The Rover" excellent title to the complex construction and extremely inspired. Big smile on your face: WOW, it re-moved severe in the ranks of the airship! The sound is huge, even 40 years later ... "In my time of Dying" is a blues gem 11: 08mn (absolute record for the group) who goes on explosive crescendo, executed by a group in top form : Plant develops a skin-deep feeling coupled with a rough voice the best effect, and Page is completely loose on the guitar lines to cry, with a prodigious and chilling bottleneck. Eleven minutes later, hard to recover! (Fun: cough Bonham ends the title, with the comments of friends: we really feel that the pieces are played live in the studio).

Side B starts with "Houses of the Holy" straight line "Dancing Days": square, rhythmic, playful, it opens the way for a miracle "Trampled Underfoot" I personally find jubilant large Zep title : the acoustic / rhythm recipe / raw joy excels, and the result is a track that takes you with him inexorably towards the general jubilation. Very inspired and beautifully built, it gives way to the last title of the first record: "Kashmir". Good. Who does not know this title in the class? Accused get up and go to the stake! One word sums up this song that finishes in style the first facet of a major album: MO-NU-TAL-MEN! 9: 41mn happiness, ecstasy, mysticism uphill, thrill, notes placed with engineering where you need it, when necessary. "Kashmir" is a steamroller which sits forever on a Led Zep indéboulonable throne lord of rock. Final explosion of the song. You have to go to bed, or while meditating ... such musical artistic surge does not leave unscathed.

Phew ... after a short break we attacked the second disk. From the outset, it seems (to be promptly corrected!) That it displays a Zen character, more progressive. The idea is attractive, let's see how it goes ... "In the Light" plunges us immediately, thanks to the disturbing keyboards JP Jones Celtic bathed in a strange light mist. Very involved, this song ends as it began, with a superb climb in the middle, with the acoustics of Page and Plant haunted side. "Bron Yr Aur", with 2 minutes on the clock, due to excellent fusion between office "Bron Yr Aur Stomp" and "Black Mountain Side": this kind of short and very title reveals provided each time the versatility and dexterity Page on dry. A moment of pure delight, the group knows well dosed. "Down by the Seaside" may surprise more than one ... it is almost like in Hawaii. With slidées suspended notes, Page succeeds in making a title for the base-gnan gnan into a real sound hypnosis: it is literally hanging in his notes how maddening technique. "Ten years gone" concluded the C face a new facet of Zep: as a folk / blues / rock on which resonates to infinity 12 strings, which Plant responds correctly. Surprise again, but O how great ...

The latest deal offers 5 very varied pieces. "Night Flight" is a playful title, not memorable, but it looks good the excellent "The Wanton Song", focuses on a dry banging riff and rhythm and uncompromising ... easily unleash the crowd in a party well dancing. Deep Purple had to draw on his riff for "Hungry Daze" ... A good surprise comes from "Boogie with Stu" rock / boogie / blues bill ... zeppelinienne! Completely transcending the old style boogie, Page actually a hyper rhythmic replay that made me jump in all directions, with a melodic lined really on top! Wow, what a slap! "Black Country Woman" is a gem (you can hear a plane take off at first, and that tells the Plant sound engineer: "No, leave him, not serious" ...) blues / rock, who with " Sick Again ", a beauty close an (AGAIN!) masterpiece of English 4.

Unbelievable ... a real upward curve of success: but where will they stop?

It is pertinent to dwell on the package, which will give you enough to visually explore a true artist work as the web page you atomizes in the cages honey. Gloomy building 97 St Mark's Place in New York, the windows are perforated for a glimpse of different things depending on the disc that is inserted in the "cover / box" cardboard, true to the original of 1975. Once again, The Zep provides a successful completeness combining musical and visual. Superb.

"Physical Graffiti" is still a masterpiece of the group, extremely comprehensive and, above all reflects a rare complementarity. With each new album we feel the progress of 4 interlaced their involvement ... their genius. $ 4 A real talent unconventional.

The bar is high for more ...

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