Exceptional start an idiosyncratic solo career

Exceptional start an idiosyncratic solo career

The Mirror Pool (Audio CD)

Customer Review

What they say about it?

Many of the die-hard fans have already always known that Lisa Gerrard was not quite as good half of Dead Can Dance (and now is again). The allegations were of weak songwriting to lack of composition skills. I myself have never seen so and just felt the mixture of Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry singing sacred songwriting as a major strength of Dead Can Dance.

And then start more casually a highly unusual solo career Lisa Gerrard 1995 "The Mirror Pool". Even with this solo debut, it has the woman done with the singular voice, to go its own way, or to develop the Dead Can Dance path from their point of view on.

The album starts with unusual Violina and La Bas, two dismal pieces that are initiated and supported by a string orchestra. And before you think that this is not a slice of tender-hearted or depressive tempers, the direction (something) is positive, and with the following pieces of Persian Love Song and Sanvean are Lisa Gerrard a first idea about what her voice is capable. Beautifully !!!
But that's really just the beginning. The other 12 pieces offer a very wide range (from classical interpretations of tribal dances and strange sound effects to oriental sounds). The real highlights coming late and glad Laurelei, Celon and Swans. These three songs are indescribable - to date there have been such music is not easy. The art of singing in Celon was perfected by Lisa Gerrard later in Title Sacrifice (Album Duality) and taken to the extreme. All three songs are one of my alltime favorites.

What remains? An exceptional CD, very exciting and also a bit bulky - suitable for lovers of classical music, for Dead Can Dance fans a must buy. All other music lovers necessarily hear - there is something completely new. Top production that is not radio-capable, thank goodness!

A concept that lack of content Rank: 3/5
November 27
THE good product Rank: 5/5
March 28
Very disappointed 123 1 Rank: 1/5
January 12
Too small for IPad 2 !!! Rank: 1/5
October 8
"Wohnsandale" Rank: 5/5
September 14
Polishing okay Rank: 4/5
October 9