Era Vulgaris


  • An incredibly brilliant album!  

    Era Vulgaris (Audio CD)
    Era Vulgaris is one of three albums for the island! However, the listener expects here no easily digestible food a la "Go with the flow" or "The lost art ...": The melodies are complex and sometimes quite used to. TURNIN ON THE SCREW:
  • Sick? Yes! But on a positive way ...  

    Era Vulgaris (Audio CD)
    What can you say on this album? So either you love it or hate it (as you can see from the previous reviews). I admit that this album desert rockers is different than the others. Who new "Songs For The Deaf" expected should stay away from this di
  • Sick, Sick, Sick  

    Era Vulgaris (Audio CD)
    Nomen est omen. And the first single is indicative of the entire album - a wacky, insane sound, in the truest sense of the word. But this is something new in this band? Did we expect anything but an eccentric, unusual drive? Especially their original
  • The desert lives!  

    Era Vulgaris (Audio CD)
    All great bands have created a congenial masterpiece on which they have to leave all their remaining life as a musician measure long. "Songs For The Deaf" was and is QOTSA's masterpiece and it will remain forever. But that is no reason bashing e
  • And you continue to rock  

    Era Vulgaris (Audio CD)
    I have to say quite clearly that my two previous albums have better gefalen. "Era Vulgaris" is just too noisy and bulky, in the negative sense. Therefore, I also like the quieter songs like "Into The Hollow", "Misfit Love