Stellar Impact - [PC]


  • Virtual Space Cemetery  

    Stellar Impact - [PC] (computer game)
    With the installation of Stellar Impact, there were no problems at all, everything was going and the game could be started immediately. After a quick registration and entering the serial number you could start playing right away, but then unfortunate
  • Match report and suggestions for improvement  

    Stellar Impact - [PC] (computer game)
    What Me "Star Wars - The Old Republic" always a bit lacking, "Stellar Impact offers": space battles. That's why I have the game also. The system requirements are described as "minimal"; you play it online. So far so good. GAM
  • Fun with obstacles  

    Stellar Impact - [PC] (computer game)
    In "Stellar Impact" is an independent, ingredients forth rather simple knitted realtime Strategiespielchen in space (though without colonizing planets, there is only sometimes that which is "occupy" may, aka where you ranfliegen by boa