- The Chicago Stars Volume 3: The one I chose - Susan Elizabeth Phillips Lionel Evrard - Books


  • Not so smart that!  

    The Chicago Stars, Volume 3: The one I chose (Paperback)
    You know the days of American football is not that guy to their muscles as they arrived to have a few things in mind as it is of all the misunderstanding that comes from this book. A smart girl who does not think that the others can be and who uses m
  • SO ROMANTIC !!!! 3  

    The Chicago Stars, Volume 3: The one I chose (Paperback)
    I knew it !!! I did well to insist because here for once this book is the bomb ... Babe! And I can readily affirm ... yes! I love Cal! ("Love, if you read these lines, it's my evil twin who writes not mouaaaahh" ... whew, luckily, I'm incognito
  • Another great tome! 1  

    The Chicago Stars, Volume 3: The one I chose (Paperback)
    In life, the strengths of some can become the worst things for others. Jane Darlington knows something. Dun dune with intelligence and IQ outsized life entries that difference, rejection, ridicule, isolation and denial Yep! This is not because quon i
  • An amazing story 1  

    The Chicago Stars, Volume 3: The one I chose (Paperback)
    Obviously a story n 'import which on "The Chicago Stars" is amazing. The two characters, Jane and Carl are complex, each with its peculiarities. Both are preocupés with the future. Jane wish with motherhood. She certe age, yet it is necessary th
  • Very funny! 11  

    The Chicago Stars, Volume 3: The one I chose (Paperback)
    I became a Chicago stars' addict! September takes us on his incredible stories, hilarious (the dance scene in the room is irresistible) with lots of talent. We are caught up in the first pages and rushes headlong to the last! What an enjoyable time w
  • I loved it !!!!!! 26  

    The Chicago Stars, Volume 3: The one I chose (Paperback)
    finally! a book that made me laugh! Heroin is mischievous, bubbly! endearing hero we go from laughter to emotion! a refreshing book! and it is not a cutesy story! this book deserves much more than 5 stars! for me it is the best of the series!
  • Sublime !!! 1 January 29 38  

    The Chicago Stars, Volume 3: The one I chose (Paperback)
    Best 3 volumes. An amount of gray matter in turmoil, an irrepressible desire for motherhood, a determination equal to its oversized brain make Jane a partner at the Cal high. It is not outdone Jane, in intelligence and well tempered character. Two ti
  • The author is renewed at each of its volumes  

    The Chicago Stars, Volume 3: The one I chose (Paperback)
    Jane Darlington is not a woman like any other. She wishes above all to have a child and that at any same price whether to impersonate an escort girl in the eyes of Cal Bonner, the quarterback Stars Chicagos the edge of retirement and young people hun
  • A hilarious! 4  

    The Chicago Stars, Volume 3: The one I chose (Paperback)
    At thirty-four, Jane desperate not to have children and decided to remedy that. With the help of a Chicago Groopie stars in search of birthday gift Cal Bonner, she'll impersonate a prostitute with the famous player. The man seems to him to be a light