Historical novel!  3

Historical novel! 3

Snooping The Tangier (Paperback)

Customer Review

I hate the title français.Si I was keeping me there, I'd missed out on this novel.
Or the Spanish title 'El tiempo between costuras "I like him, and is far more intriguing:" Between the seams of time "
I must say that I love the genre: historical novel.
And the latter opinion is absolutely stopped my hesitation:

"A wonderful novel in the best tradition of the genre, with love, mystery, tenderness,
and bold characters. "Mario Vargas Llosa.

This novel combines wonderfully fiction and intrigue.
Easy to read, well written and extremely well documented; so I recommend it 100%!

The lovely epilogue offers us an open end or several purposes, either:
"[...] At this moment in history, with an occupied Europe, all are now laughing at this noisy and dilapidated country. Who could sintéresser its famines, its mineral wealth, the Atlantic ports and the little general who ruled them with an iron hand? They refused us to enter the United Nations, the ambassadors were recalled and we do not reçûmes dollar Marshall Plan, that's right. But we are a royal ficha peace. Let them fend for themselves! Hands off, said the allies from the victory [...] "