The Dark Saga


  • John Schaffer ...  

    The Dark Saga (Audio CD)
    and one of my favorite discs. Iced Earth have promised and kept much of this output. Terrific songwriting, great riffs, and a pefect coordinated sound. Can not miss a thing ...
  • THAT is power metal ...  

    The Dark Saga (Audio CD)
    1996 disc * The Dark Saga * the metal band was * Ice Earth published *. It involves the whole fourth CD and at the same time was the second disc in Matthew Barlow behind the microphone. Despite all the lineup changes mastermind Jon Schaffer had adher
  • Power metal close to perfection !!  

    The Dark Saga (Audio CD)
    If I have a good recommendation for "Iced Earth" to output plates today, then this is surely it. The CD is indeed now already turn 10 years old, but it is for me still the best discs of the band. I find it even better than "The Glorious Bur
  • Best Iced Earth album  

    The Dark Saga (Audio CD)
    The Dark Saga is a concept album that the subject of the movie "Spawn" behandelt.Es is about a man who dies and the devil sold his soul to his great love wiederzusehn that has married his best friend, etc. The music on the Dark Saga is dark, emo
  • The best album of Iced Earth!  

    The Dark Saga (Audio CD)
    That's definitely - even to this day, although "Something Wicked ..." and "Horror Show" also more than successful works of men around Jon Schaffer represent. The very first song - the title track - can shake a mat: Horny riffing - simp
  • With the release of "The Dark Saga" everything changed ...  

    The Dark Saga (Audio CD)
    As ICED EARTH published the "Dark Saga" album in 1996, this represented retrospectively as a major step towards new musical shores represents. Much had changed, just for once, not the singer, because Matthew Barlow, who had previously been the e
  • A brilliant Heavy Metal album!  

    The Dark Saga (Audio CD)
    I love this band, it's just so awesome, so varied and technically adept, that no heavy metal fan could escape its charm. With "The Dark Saga" to Iced Earth have outdone themselves. I just can not understand how you can not assign 5 stars here, b
  • Really the best album of the band?  

    The Dark Saga (Audio CD)
    Somehow, "The Dark Saga" to be the most popular album of Iced Earth with the fans. I can understand that not because usually bands in Metal are - area stoned when they are melodic. Of course, I welcome the development of the band, even though I